How does Cemex produce aggregates?
Aggregates consist of stone (coarse aggregates), sand (fine aggregate), and gravel. These materials are naturally occurring in the ground. In fact, the geophysical properties of stone and sand formations in Florida make them some of the highest quality aggregates in the entire country. We simply excavate the aggregates from the ground, crush it into various sizes, and ship it by rail and truck to end users throughout Florida.
What are aggregates used for?
Aggregates are used for various essential building material applications. Some aggregate is transformed into Portland Cement. Other aggregate is used in concrete masonry blocks, ready mix concrete and asphaltic concrete. Aggregate is also used as base material in roadway construction.
How does Cemex make ready mixed concrete?
What we recognize as concrete is technically called Portland Cement Concrete. It’s a combination of Portland Cement, water, and aggregates. When Cemex combines the ingredients for you and sends it to you in a mixer truck, we are delivering “ready-mixed concrete”. There are many unique and amazing properties of concrete that make it the most sustainable building material in the world.
How long has Cemex been around?
Cemex traces its history back to 1906. In Florida, Rinker Materials started supplying building materials way back in 1926. Cemex acquired Rinker’s operations in 2007, proudly joining a legacy that stretches back over four generations.
What does Cemex do to make sure its operations are environmentally sound?
Florida is our home, so caring for the land isn’t just our job—it’s our responsibility to our community and to our children. Since taking over local operations in 2007, we’ve invested more than $300 million in new technologies that further strengthen environmental stewardship. Cemex has also pioneered the use of cleaner and greener alternative fuels, such as recycled waste and peanut shells. In addition to operating efficiently, we also operate compactly: Cemex uses only a small percentage of its local land, leaving thousands of acres in a natural state to serve as wildlife habitat. In fact, our efforts to protect local ecosystems have been recognized by the Wildlife Habitat Council, awarding six of our sites in Florida with a distinct certification for our above and beyond efforts made to our local habitats. And every year, thousands of local students visit our Environmental Education Centers, where they learn directly from Cemex’s engineers and scientists about our cutting-edge work in environmental stewardship and reclamation. At Cemex, we employ some of the best scientists, engineers, and environmental professionals in the country. Our teams regularly perform inspections of all facilities, ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, and work closely with regulators to protect the environment.